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Our Schools

Counseling Department

The Solorsano Middle School Counseling Department will deliver a comprehensive school counseling program based on our counseling core values; one that cultivates, inspires continual growth and resiliency through advocacy and student empowerment. We will provide all students with academic, social-emotional and college and career readiness. We are committed to working collaboratively with all community stakeholders as we are all equally invested in our students’ aptitude and future success.

Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Counselors are available to help all students in the areas of academic, social/emotional, and college/career readiness. Our counseling program follows a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) model.

This framework consists of three tiers of prevention and intervention:

  1. All students receive Tier 1 supports such as counselor classroom presentations, lunchtime activities, and California Colleges lessons. These supports are offered by the entire ASMS counseling team.   
  2. Some students receive Tier 2 supports such as short-term counseling, small groups, and referrals to community-based agencies provided by our school social work counselor.
  3. Few students require Tier 3 supports, which are considered intensive supports. 

The counselors are readily available to support students and their families. 

  • Families may request an appointment to see a counselor by filling out this counselor appointment request form, by calling the school, or by email. 
  • Students may request an appointment by email or by coming to the office and filling out an appointment request (also known as a "purple slip.”)

Roles of the ASMS Counseling team



School counselors:

  • Support student academic development
  • Assist with orientation and transitions from school to school
  • Provide college and career development

School social work counselor:

  • Provides crisis intervention
  • Assesses social emotional and behavioral needs
  • Provides ongoing counseling (individual and group)

All counselors:

  • Advocate for students' needs
  • Support student social emotional development
  • Provide short-term counseling
  • Conduct home visits (as needed)

Contact Us

Meet the ASMS counseling team. Your counselor will be a resource for you during your time at Solorsano. Contact them directly with any questions as you are on your Eagle journey. 

Francisca Garcia
School Counselor
Students with last names A-K

Zee Figueroa
School Counselor
Students with last names L-Z

Cristal Ruiz Campos
School Social Work Counselor
Short-term, school-based counseling for individual students and small groups of students; provides referrals to community-based agencies for further support 


  • Paola Jimenez
    SJSU Counselor Education 
  • Yesenia Mendez
    SJSU Counselor Education
  • Michelle Ramirez
    SJSU Social Work

Follow the ASMS Counselors on Instagram

Your Counselors


Request an appointment to see a counselor via this request form (also linked in QR code below), by calling the school or by email. 

QR code for counseling appointments